Linear algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Combined with calculus, linear algebra facilitates the solution of linear systems of ..... For there to be nontrivial solutions to that equation, det(T − λ I) = 0.
Mathwords: Trivial A solution or example that is ridiculously simple and of little interest. Often, solutions or ... Nonzero solutions or examples are considered nontrivial. For example ...
nontrivial solution - Encyclopedia - The Free Dictionary Information about nontrivial solution in the Columbia Encyclopedia, Computer ... Dictionary. Financial Dictionary. Acronyms. Idioms. Encyclopedia. Wikipedia
Trivial — Wikipédia Mais l'équation xn + yn = zn admet des solutions triviales : les triplets (x, 0, x), qui sont ... que malgré la simplicité de l'énoncé, il s'agit d'un résultat hautement non trivial. ... Wikipedia® est une marque déposée de la Wikimedia Foundation,